
1956 Born in Deventer, eastern Netherlands
1968-1974 Baudartius College, Zutphen: gymnasium β
1974-1975 Vrije Academie, Amsterdam (teachers include Ies Jacobs)
1975 Travels in Greece and Italy
1975-1980 St. Joost Academy of fine arts, Breda, southern Netherlands
monumental design / painting
(teachers include Theo Mols, Paul de Swaaf)
1977 Travels in Egypt
1981 Travels in the Sahara, long stays in Mali and Ivory Coast
1982-present Based in Dordrecht
realising monumental wooden sculptures
2006 Stays in Mas de Charrou, France
starts writing autobiographical sketches: Anatopen (published in 2009)
2019 Publication of the travelogue: Byzantijnse voetreis / Een verslag in dertien brieven
(Byzantine Walking Tour / A Report in Thirteen Letters)